Ghanaians have not given me the needed recognition- Richard Mpong

Published on: 12 April 2020

Elmina Sharks midfielder Richard Mpong has noted that the people in Ghana have not appreciated his talents so far.

Mpong has had a long road in the Ghana Premier League, playing his first match in 2007 and has been in it since.

He is one of the longest serving players in the competition and believes that he deserves some recognition for that.

“It’s not easy. I believe I have not been recognized the way I should be. I have not just been playing in the league, but I have been playing actively for all the clubs I’ve played for,” he told

“The problem is that in Ghana if you do not travel to ply your trade outside, you are least recognized.

“So as you rightly said, that recognition has not been accorded me at all.

“Most of the players who have played in the league for that long do not have that consistency as me. They play in the league, leave to play outside and return. But for me, I have been consistent,” he added.
