Joseph Anang has enthusiasm and determination to succeed at St Patrick’s– Coach Stephen Kenny

Published on: 26 June 2024

The head coach of St Patrick’s Athletic, Stephen Kenny, has shared how his conversation with Ghana goalkeeper, Joseph Anang, went before he was signed by the Irish club.

The 24-year-old inked a two-and-a-half-year deal to join the Raymond team for the 2024/25 season.

Previously, the Ghanaian-born England youth international had a six-month loan spell at St Patrick's in 2022. He then returned to West Ham and went on to win the UEFA Conference League in the subsequent season.

Reacting to his re-signing, Kenny was full of praise for how impressed he was with Joseph Anang on their first interaction.

“The thing that struck me about Joseph from speaking to him on zoom when he was he was visiting Ghana, was his sheer enthusiasm and determination to re-join St Pat's, to play games and continue to improve.

“He has a passion for the club and he is an excellent signing.”

Joseph Anang played for West Ham across all youth levels but did not quite manage to feature for the first team.
