WAFU B U-17: Successful start and smooth progression, says LOC head Gideon Fosu

Published on: 23 May 2024
WAFU B U-17: Successful start and smooth progression, says LOC head Gideon Fosu

Gideon Fosu, the head of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the WAFU B U-17 tournament, has expressed his satisfaction with the arrangements and the smooth progression of the competition.

Ghana is hosting the tournament this year, which kicked off with a resounding 5-1 victory for the host nation against Ivory Coast at the University of Ghana Stadium.

Fosu, in an interview with Peace FM monitored by Footballghana.com, stated that if they were to rate themselves, including the media, WAFU officials, LOC, and Ghanaians, they would score 8 out of 10. He emphasized that several logistical issues, such as hotel accommodations, transportation, and security, were addressed and put in place before the teams' arrival in Ghana.

"So far I will say if we are rating ourselves all of us the media, WAFU officials, LOC, and Ghanaians we will give ourselves 8/10. First of all there were certain issues we needed to deal with before even the teams arrived in Ghana ie their hotel, transportation, security in terms of police guarding them when they all moving around all of these things were put in places before the teams arrived in Ghana," he said.

"So before they landed Ghana Police was ready to take them straight to their hotel. Their training schedule was on term their MRI which was to be done before the start of the tournament was done on time. WAFU officials were here by the 13th so we had a meeting with LOC and the WAFU officials we went to inspect all the facilities and they approved all the facilities that we earmarked for the competition.

"We started the first game on a good note but there were some few issues with accreditation for the media but we ironed out those issues in our next game. Apart from that with the natural occurrences of rains we had an issue where we moved the game that is Benin vs Ivory Coast all in all arrangements for every match in the tournament was done apart from these occurrences of rains where we move the games to another day everything seems to be ok,"
